
Continue reading "Chew on this"

Hi, how are you doing? I’m doing very fine.

 Now I’m working as a tutor of exchange students, and going to visit Nikko with them this Friday. It must be exciting trip! Nikko has traditional places, so they can feel the sense of Japanese culture and enjoy the experience.  I hope it will be a fine sunny day... No rain please! X(

Then, I'm going to talk about my book, "Chew on this." The summary of the part I've read is this: Who made the first hamburger---American fifteen-year-old boy Charlie Nagreen made in October 1885. When he sold meatballs at an annual fair,  he noticed that customers had trouble eating them and walking at the same time. People didn't want to take time to eat meatballs. Then he got an idea that squashed and put them between two slices of bread. That was the first hamburger. History of hamburgers---After 1885, a hamburger had a bad reputation because of the thought that "hamburger is a food for poor" and two poisonous hamburgers murders. After reading this part, I was shocked and surprised because the problem (such as contamination or poisonous food) is almost as same as current days. Now many fast food companies are struggling with this kind of problem.

I thought they didn't have those issues in the past, so it was surprising for me. In addition, I wonder that why this problem occurs again and again.

Thank you for reading. Have wonderful weekends and AGU festivals!

2 件のコメント:

  1. I'm also interested in American culture, so I want to read the book!

  2. I wasn't aware of this history of the hamburger, so it's interesting to me. I'm sure there are others who claim to have invented the hamburger.

    Food quality and the contamination of food has been a huge issue for a long time. When I was in high school I had to read the book "The Jungle," a 1906 novel written by the American journalist and novelist Upton Sinclair. It is full of detailed information about the unsanitary conditions at slaughter houses and food processing factories in early 20th century America. The novel and the journalistic work of Upton Sinclair led to the introduction of food safety and sanitation laws. The book describes quite disgusting practices and terrible working conditions. No doubt, Eric Schlosser was influenced by Upton Sinclair.
